CSTARS / ckanext-ecosis

Ckan extension adding additional fields and controls for spectral data
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Issues with Dry FFT dataset on production #62

Open aidanmazur opened 7 years ago

aidanmazur commented 7 years ago

Referring to dataset "Dried Leaf Spectra to Estimate Leaf Morphology and Biochemistry for Northern Temperate Forests"

On search (https://ecosis.org/#result/2b7563b9-7aab-46bd-b1a9-4fdae45305a2), the data previewer is showing 1870 spectra, however the dataset only has 1227, which is consistent with the number of spectra that is included on the spectral resource file (FFT_dry_spectra_v2.xlsx).

Also, when the CSV file is downloaded from search (both including and excluding metadata), it only has the column names (headers), but the rest of the file is empty

jrmerz commented 7 years ago

Did the data change without republishing? I pushed data again and search now shows 1227.

aidanmazur commented 7 years ago

I had tried republishing and that didnt help. But now it looks good, including downloaded csv file. You are a computer wizard

jrmerz commented 7 years ago

Humm, that's not good.... Need to try and keep track of some of these more elusive bugs.