CSTARS / ecosis

Ecological Spectral Information System (EcoSIS)
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Question: How to cleanup datasets not properly "linked" on EcoSIS #40

Open serbinsh opened 4 years ago

serbinsh commented 4 years ago

I have a couple of datasets on EcoSIS that arent being rendered as expected. One is a dataset uploaded in the early days of EcoSIS by Phil: https://ecosis.org/package/fresh-leaf-spectra-to-estimate-leaf-morphology-and-biochemistry-for-northern-temperate-forests

That dataset is not linking the traits to the spectra properly and seems to have some issues with the metadata. I suspect this is because when I supplied the data I wasnt sure how best to format to load, but I am certain I could fix the organization so the metadata loads along with the traits. Perhaps I just need to ask Phil to let me edit that record

Second, I have been struggling with this dataset:


It still isn't loading the spec with the trait data, and the trait data does not come with the spectra when pulled via the API. Again, I suspect an issue with how the data were uploaded and linked with meta-data. I noticed yesterday after downloading the nitrogen file, that, for some reason, some of the rows of the data had blank cells that when looking at the original file are not there? Should I just remove those files and try to re-load the data to fix the backend linking?

serbinsh commented 4 years ago

Also here is one more of my datasets: https://ecosis.org/package/dried-leaf-spectra-to-estimate-leaf-morphology-and-biochemistry-for-northern-temperate-forests

Again, this was added by Phil awhile ago and is not providing the trait data with the spectra. I would like to repair this so the data is more useable to end users, particularly through the API. Is this something I need to handle with Phil?