I extracted the table https://github.com/CSTARS/farm-budgets-data/blob/master/data/unknown/labor.csv
from @blyeo master spreadsheet. I am using this for the farm_budgets calculations. From discussion with @blyeo and @judyhanna , I think these are minimum wages, and are multiplied by 1.3 for the equipment operators.
As per our previous discussion, we decided the following OES labor types are used in the standard budgets.
I extracted the table https://github.com/CSTARS/farm-budgets-data/blob/master/data/unknown/labor.csv from @blyeo master spreadsheet. I am using this for the farm_budgets calculations. From discussion with @blyeo and @judyhanna , I think these are minimum wages, and are multiplied by 1.3 for the equipment operators.
As per our previous discussion, we decided the following OES labor types are used in the standard budgets.