To recover from a GOES17 receiver outage for GOES17 production processor (not for a GOES15 production process) data must be pulled from the backup processor. Pulling only ETo data (~/gdb/cimis/) breaks the html output process and the g.cimis-dwr import (requires solar data):
g.cimis looks for solar data to calculate the html output
grass -c /home/cimis/gdb17/cimis/20191112 --exec g.cimis sec=eto cmd=html
Cleaning up temporary files...
Creating new GRASS GIS location/mapset...
Executing <g.cimis sec=eto cmd=html> ...
make: *** No rule to make target /home/cimis/gdb17/solar/20191112/cellhd/ssetr-Gc', needed by /home/cimis/gdb17/cimis/20191112/cellhd/Rso'. Stop.
grass -c ~/gdb15/cimis/2019-11-12 --exec g.cimis-dwr cmd=import,zipcode,html
Cleaning up temporary files...
Creating new GRASS GIS location/mapset...
Executing <g.cimis-dwr cmd=import,zipcode,html> ...
make: *** No rule to make target /apps/cimis/gdb15/../gdb17/cimis/20191112/cellhd/ETo', needed by /apps/cimis/gdb15/cimis/2019-11-12/cellhd/ETo'. Stop.
When also pulling solar data (sans the large fcell directory)
To recover from a GOES17 receiver outage for GOES17 production processor (not for a GOES15 production process) data must be pulled from the backup processor. Pulling only ETo data (~/gdb/cimis/) breaks the html output process and the g.cimis-dwr import (requires solar data):
g.cimis looks for solar data to calculate the html output
When also pulling solar data (sans the large fcell directory)