CSTARS / spatial-cimis

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8:30 AM continued data issues. #95

Open qjhart opened 4 years ago

qjhart commented 4 years ago


There were two p


There were two times that were bad on this day. As has been ususal, th 0830PST-B2 was completely empty. However, 0820PST-B2 was also bad, but only about half. And that wasn't properly identified as bad. The stats show this out, as does a picture of the data.


GRASS 7.4.2 (solar):~ > r.stats -c 0820PST-B2 | head -16
-197.542252--183.838756 11
-183.838756--170.13526 30
-170.13526--156.431765 59
-156.431765--142.728269 83
-142.728269--129.024774 188
-129.024774--115.321278 242
-115.321278--101.617783 303
-101.617783--87.914287 388
-87.914287--74.210791 361
-74.210791--60.507296 454
-60.507296--46.8038 958
-46.8038--33.100305 759
-33.100305--19.396809 708
-19.396809--5.693313 899
-5.693313-8.010182 3142424
8.010182-21.713678 135
GRASS 7.4.2 (solar):~ > r.info 0830PST-B2
 | Map:      0830PST-B2                     Date: Mon Oct  7 09:57:26 2019    |
 | Mapset:   20191007                       Login of Creator: cimis           |
 | Location: solar                                                            |
 | DataBase: /home/cimis/gdb                                                  |
 | Title:                                                                     |
 | Timestamp: none                                                            |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Type of Map:  raster               Number of Categories: 0               |
 |   Data Type:    FCELL                                                      |
 |   Rows:         2560                                                       |
 |   Columns:      2304                                                       |
 |   Total Cells:  5898240                                                    |
 |        Projection: Albers Equal Area                                       |
 |            N:     512000    S:    -768000   Res:   500                     |
 |            E:     640000    W:    -512000   Res:   500                     |
 |   Range of data:    min = 0  max = 0                                       |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Data Description:                                                        |
 |    generated by r.proj                                                     |
 |                                                                            |
 |   Comments:                                                                |
 |    r.proj location="goes16" mapset="20191007" input="0830PST-B2" method\   |
 |    ="lanczos" memory=300                                                   |
 |                                                                            |