CSTR-Edinburgh / merlin

This is now the official location of the Merlin project.
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Can theano be removed totally? #393

Open shartoo opened 5 years ago

shartoo commented 5 years ago

Given theano will not be updated any more ,i wonder wether merlin would drop it in future version. Why there is no LHUC and MDN layer in keras model or tensorflow model ,is run_merlin.py and run_keras_with_merlin_io.py equal in model level?

rhoposit commented 5 years ago

If you are considering making some of the above suggested contributions, please feel free to send a pull request and someone will take a look

shartoo commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to do this,but it take time.I'll pull request later.

shartoo commented 5 years ago

This repo is what i am writing ,just a demo version and not finished yet.