CSU-CPSC4205-2023-Summer / group_1

Group 1 project
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Create Project Proposal #2

Open gerri-barnes opened 1 year ago

gerri-barnes commented 1 year ago

Create Project Proposal based on group discussion of creation of a pet care services web application.

May need to narrow down the scope of project proposal to a specific pet care service, such as pet grooming appointment system to be more manageable for the short summer semester timeline.

gerri-barnes commented 1 year ago


The project proposal will encapsulate what you plan to accomplish with this project. You should indicate what your web app will do, what problem you hope yo solve with it, and it should include details of the technologies you plan to use such as a MongoDB or an API. If you plan to use an external source please provide a link to it. The document should be approximately one page long. This project proposal will be subject to some change based on feedback from me.

Pet Grooming Appointment Web Application-Project Proposal.docx

gerri-barnes commented 1 year ago

Decided late on 06-28-23, on assignment due date, to scope down the web application to just one pet care service, a Pet Grooming Appointment Web Application for Poochi Pet Resort. This decision was made due to the short timeline given to complete this project. The group Project Proposal was completed on 06-28-23.