Created a blueprint that allows GET, PUT, and DELETE requests to be made on individual roles, and a GET request for all roles.
Test Plan:
Install Postman or use the Linux curl command to test requests (Automated tests do not exist yet)
Make GET request on the endpoint for roles.
you can use these ids to test the single role requests or just insert new roles with PUT
Make GET, PUT, and DELETE requests on endpoints for a single role.
each role request must provide an id to operate on, except the PUT for inserting; PUT for inserting will set the id and send the newly inserted role with its info in the response
the id is sent as a query parameter
PUT for inserting requires a name value that does not already exist
PUT for updating only updates fields that are sent through the request as query parameters, all other fields are not updated
fields for the update and insert requests are name and description, apart from the id that PUT for update requires
Description: Created a blueprint that allows GET, PUT, and DELETE requests to be made on individual roles, and a GET request for all roles.
Test Plan: