CT-Data-Haven / cwi

R package for prepping and analyzing DataHaven's 2019 Community Index
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Specify counties for towns in multi_geo_acs for 2010 #7

Closed camille-s closed 5 years ago

camille-s commented 5 years ago
# no error
get_acs("county subdivision", variables = "B01003_001", state = "09", year = 2010, county = "09")
#> Getting data from the 2006-2010 5-year ACS
#> # A tibble: 28 x 5
#>    GEOID    NAME                                  variable  estimate   moe
#>    <chr>    <chr>                                 <chr>        <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1 0900900… County subdivisions not defined, New… B01003_0…        0   123
#>  2 0900901… Ansonia town, New Haven County, Conn… B01003_0…    19163    45
#>  3 0900903… Beacon Falls town, New Haven County,… B01003_0…     5909    18
#>  4 0900904… Bethany town, New Haven County, Conn… B01003_0…     5467    34
#>  5 0900907… Branford town, New Haven County, Con… B01003_0…    28194    31
#>  6 0900914… Cheshire town, New Haven County, Con… B01003_0…    29183    25
#>  7 0900919… Derby town, New Haven County, Connec… B01003_0…    12826    20
#>  8 0900922… East Haven town, New Haven County, C… B01003_0…    29074    26
#>  9 0900934… Guilford town, New Haven County, Con… B01003_0…    22222    35
#> 10 0900935… Hamden town, New Haven County, Conne… B01003_0…    60293    32
#> # ... with 18 more rows

# error on geography hierarchy
get_acs("county subdivision", variables = "B01003_001", state = "09", year = 2010)
#> Getting data from the 2006-2010 5-year ACS
#> Error: Your API call has errors.  The API message returned is error: unknown/unsupported geography heirarchy.

Created on 2018-11-11 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)