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Changes related to relabeling exposure stressor to exposure stimulus #28

Closed cjgrondin closed 2 years ago

cjgrondin commented 3 years ago

Updates were made independently to exo.obo and exo.owl files to relabel instances of stressor, exposure stressor and exposure_stressor to stimulus, exposure stimulus and exposure_stimulus.

matentzn commented 2 years ago

I am wondering whether it is a bit risky to change the definition of a term like this.. Is a stressor the same thing as a stimulus?

cjgrondin commented 2 years ago

This is exactly the type of comment that should be discussed with regard to the issue raised 'Proposed label change for exposure stressor #27', and why I haven't merged it yet. Last month, I posted definitions from Oxford Languages: stressor: something that causes a state of strain or tension stimulus: a thing or event that evokes a specific functional reaction in an organ or tissue

laurenechan commented 2 years ago

Hi @cjgrondin , @matentzn @diatomsRcool and I were speaking this morning about this issue. It sounds as though the best solution may be to create an exposure stimulus term (generating a new ExO ID) instead of attempting to relabel exposure stressor.

cjgrondin commented 2 years ago

Hi @laurenechan , @matentzn , @diatomsRcool , I agree that the best solution may be to create an exposure stimulus term instead of relabeling exposure stressor. This potentially leads to other changes that should be discussed, such as exposure stressor being changed to a child term of exposure stimulus, and some of the other terms being separated out to be children of exposure stressor or exposure stimulus.

laurenechan commented 2 years ago

@cjgrondin While I think this may warrant some further discussion from domain experts, I wonder if 'exposure stimulus' is an appropriate child of 'exposure stressor' as a stressor could be a non physical entity, physical entity, mindset etc (more ambiguous) and a stimulus appears to require being either an entity or a process (less ambiguous).

matentzn commented 2 years ago

If anything a stressor is a child of a stimulus!

laurenechan commented 2 years ago

@matentzn Do you say that because stimulus "evokes a response" and stressor specifically "causes strain or tension"? Just trying to understand your thought flow

matentzn commented 2 years ago

I should not have commented. I have a strict rule not to involve myself in content discussions. :) in my coursory glance at definitions it felt kinda like a stressor is a sort of "stressful stimulus". But don't listen to me, better have them be siblings. If there are doubts.

cjgrondin commented 2 years ago

I think all content discussions are valuable and appreciate all input. My understanding is that exposure stimulus encompasses anything that evokes a response (physical entity, process, mindset) while stressor has a negative impact - strain or tension, suggesting stressor to be a child of stimulus. In any case, I think I should close this pull request and we can move further discussion over to the issue re: relabeling stressor. Perhaps whomever wants the name change should fork the repository and create a pull request and we can discuss further.