CTF-Cafe / CTF_Cafe_platform

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[BUG] Improper access control leads access to all team #100

Closed W0rty closed 1 year ago

W0rty commented 1 year ago

There is an improper access control on the API that leads any user to recover the secret code of any team.

The attacker just have to send a POST request to /api/user/getTeamCode with the team name and can join the team.

To fix, you have to verify that the user that is requested the code is a member of the requested team.

RaxoCoding commented 1 year ago

Does this not prevent it ? : https://github.com/CTF-Cafe/CTF_Cafe_platform/blob/master/backEnd/controllers/teamController.js#L86

I should change to ObjectId(teamNameExists._id).equals for it to be a secure compare, but the check should still work, maybe not without the .equals

easy to fix, will do it soon