CTN-0094 / DOPE

Drug Ontology Parsing Engine
21 stars 1 forks source link

completed tasks 0-2 #14

Closed nathan-castor closed 3 years ago

nathan-castor commented 3 years ago

fixed output df of lookup to start with original_word and fixed unittests and updated man pages

labouz commented 3 years ago

@nathan-castor what is "tasks 0-2"?

nathan-castor commented 3 years ago

@nathan-castor what is "tasks 0-2"?

From Ray in Issue #13 (which I put in Linked Issues) Currently lookup() returns the classification data and then the original word. Change the order of the vector and update the documentation.

  1. Change the return DF to begin with the original word(s)
  2. The man page should specify the columns returned
  3. The unit tests should be updated to reflect the new df structure