CTN-0094 / public.ctn0094data

Harmonized and De-Identified Clinical Trials Data from CTN-0027, CTN-0030, and CTN-0051
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Data discrepancy subject 0017 #6

Open gabrielodom opened 10 months ago

gabrielodom commented 10 months ago

Week 4 visit and UDS are 1 day apart (visit on day 44, positive UDS on day 45). See https://github.com/CTN-0094/public.ctn0094extra/issues/4

Here's a minimum working example

public.ctn0094data::visit %>%
  filter(who == 17) %>%
  select(who, when, visit, what) %>%
  filter(when <= 50 & when >= 40)
# A tibble: 2 × 4
    who  when visit what 
  <int> <dbl> <fct> <fct>
1    17    44 WK4   visit
2    17    49 WK5   visit
public.ctn0094data::all_drugs %>%
  filter(who == 17) %>%
  filter(when <= 50 & when >= 40)
# A tibble: 9 × 4
    who what           source  when
  <int> <fct>          <fct>  <dbl>
1    17 Heroin         TFB       40
2    17 Benzodiazepine UDSAB     45
3    17 Heroin         TFB       45
4    17 Methadone      UDSAB     45
5    17 Opioid         UDSAB     45
6    17 Thc            UDSAB     45
7    17 Thc            TFB       46
8    17 Methadone      UDSAB     49
9    17 Opioid         UDSAB     49