CTOlet / yii2-attachments

Yii2 extension for uploading and attaching the files to the models
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Upload fails with Message "No valid data available for upload" #53

Open philippfrenzel opened 7 years ago

philippfrenzel commented 7 years ago


pls. see message above:

Upload fails with Message "No valid data available for upload"

I don't understand it, as I have followed your readme.md step by step and it shows no error message in the back?

Thanks for your support Philipp

CTOlet commented 7 years ago


I cannot help you according to your pure explanation. Could you give me more information about scenario, any screenshots and logs, file information?

philippfrenzel commented 7 years ago


thanks for your answer, here is what reproduces the issue:

1) Multiple Upload = false 2) Upload single file - thumb is getting created 3) in temporary upload folder, the uploaded file is written 4) by clicking upload - a new temporary - empty folder is getting created the "first" stays in folder system 5) frontend -> fails with message as described above 6) the temporary folders keep within the server file system 7) no record written to attachfile table

Browser Logs don't show any error message...

I have a docker stack with centos 7 - everything else runs fine within the machine... I can upload images for a gallery fine...

Thanks Philipp

ghost commented 7 years ago

Я тоже частично столкнулся с такой порблемой, сценарий таков:

  1. Выбираем файл для загрузки, он появляется в форме
  2. Нажимаю кнопку в футере картинки "Загрузить файл", загрузка проходит нормально
  3. Нажимаю кнопку отправки формы, вылетает сообщение "No valid data available for upload.", форма не прошла валидацию, поле подсвечивается красным
  4. Жму сабмит повторно, форма так же не проходит валидацию, но страница обновляется, фото прикрепляется... В чем может быть проблема?
itcake commented 7 years ago

image image while I don't change the image,then can't submit the form.how to resolve? thank you!

larry-tx commented 6 years ago

I'm having the same issue. This apparently has to do with some recent changes because I was able to upload files back in July. There are no messages if any kind relating to the upload in runtime/app.log. I have tried saving the file in various formats; it does not help resolve the issue. My common/config/main.php looks like this:

'attachments' => [
                'class'     => nemmo\attachments\Module::className(),
                'tempPath'  => '@app/uploads/temp',
                'storePath' => '@app/uploads/store',
                'rules'     => [ // Rules according to the FileValidator
                                 'maxFiles'  => 10, // Allow to upload maximum 3 files, default to 3
                                 'mimeTypes' => [
                                 'maxSize'   => 1024 * 1024 * 1024
                'tableName' => 'attachments' // Optional, default to 'attach_file'

nemmo attachments

larry-tx commented 6 years ago

I also tried uploading a PNG with the same results.

larry-tx commented 6 years ago

The good news is that the extension dlds/yii2-attachments works just fine without any errors. Unfortunately, it's not quite as full-featured as the nemmo extension, but unlike the nemmo extension, it does work.