CTXz / stm32f1-picopwner

Dump read-out protected STM32F1's with a Pi Pico - A Pi Pico implementation of @JohannesObermaier's, Marc Schink's and Kosma Moczek's Glitch and FPB attack to bypass RDP (read-out protection) level 1 on STM32F1 chips
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rp2040 zero is possible? #27

Closed curcius closed 2 months ago

curcius commented 3 months ago

I tried to execute the procedure with rap2040 zero but it is not working, the script is executed but it does not find rp2040. Is there anything that can be done to work on the rp2040 zero or does it only work on the pi pico?

Script Version: 1.4
Requires Attack-Board Firmware Version: 1.x


1. Flash the attack firmware to the Pi Pico

2. Connect the Pi Pico to the STM32F1 target as follows (left Pico, right STM):
     GND     -> GND      
     GPIO 0  -> NO LONGER USED (previously USARTx_RX)
     GPIO 1  -> USARTx_TX
     GPIO 2  -> VDD      
     GPIO 4  -> NRST     
     GPIO 5  -> BOOT0    

     USART1_TX = PA9
     USART2_TX = PA2
     USART3_TX = PB10

3. Follow further instructions provided by this script
For more detailed steps, see the README.md file.

**Waiting for Pi Pico to be connected... (Looking for /dev/ttyACM0)**
curcius commented 3 months ago

I also forgot to mention that it is a GD32F103 clone of the STM32F1, this uc is from an 8bitdo control that the analogues that are connected to the analogue ports do not work and 8bitdo does not provide the chip or the firmware to record another stm32f1.

Unfortunately I had to resort to the process of trying to dump the firmware to record on another stm32f103 so as not to lose my sn30 pro control. =(

![Uploading 20240331_093011.jpg…]()

curcius commented 3 months ago


deividAlfa commented 3 months ago

If exists and still not finding it, it might be a permission issue, try sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACMx (Adjust x as required)

CTXz commented 3 months ago

In addition to @deividAlfa 's answer, see if dmesg reports anything when you connect the rp2040 board. It may provide a hint as to what's wrong.

curcius commented 3 months ago
  • Disconnect everything.
  • Run ls /dev/ttyACM*.
  • Connect pico only.
  • Run again ls /dev/ttyACM* and check if there's a new ACM port. It might not be ACM0, adjust -p /dev/ttyACMx argument as required.

If exists and still not finding it, it might be a permission issue, try sudo chmod 777 /dev/ttyACMx (Adjust x as required)

Thanks for responding, I actually forgot to check the permissions of /dev/ttyACM0, in my case I checked that it was the /dev/ttyACM0 port, I tested it by connecting and disconnecting the rp2040. I'm not home right now but when I get there I'll try chmod. Thank you very much

curcius commented 3 months ago

In addition to @deividAlfa 's answer, see if dmesg reports anything when you connect the rp2040 board. It may provide a hint as to what's wrong.

Excellent idea, I'll check in dmesg and set the permissions for /dev/ttyACM0, any news, I'll get back to you, thanks

deividAlfa commented 3 months ago

In my case, I have to chmod it everytime I connect it. Not an issue as I only used it a few times for fun. There must be a way to modify the default permissions with rules or something.

Edit: This should work (Source):

Another possibility is to make a rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d/ directory. I had similar problem and I have created 50-myusb.rules file in the above directory with this content:


curcius commented 3 months ago

It has changed a little now the script asks to press the rp2040 reset button but it falls into the same condition as before, it does not continue with the exploit =\

Captura de tela de 2024-04-01 13-04-55

CTXz commented 3 months ago

I suspect that the permissions for /dev/ttyACM0 are reset when the pico is reset/replugged. A lazy way to fix this would be to try running the script with sudo. That should ultimately avoid any permission based errors from occuring.

deividAlfa commented 3 months ago

You must run the script before plugging the pico. Connect when asked and chmod it. Of course it resets, I've clearly explained in the upper message. OP, please read.

curcius commented 3 months ago

Now I went further, I installed Linux Mint and it was easier with two open terminals, one to run the script and the other to give permissions to the serial port.

But I still haven't gotten the dump. It is showing timeout as shown in the image.

I think the problem is related to the gpio power supply of the rp2040 for bluepill as per trobleshot:

The power draw of the target board is too high for the Pi Pico to handle (Try buffering the power pin with a BJT or MOSFET)

Does anyone have the connection diagram using the MOSFET?

Thank you for all your help =)

Captura de tela de 2024-04-01 17-58-54


curcius commented 3 months ago

I apologize for my English, I'm from Brazil and I'm getting help from Google Translate.

Just for the record, I tested on a USB2.0 and USB3.0 port, unfortunately the same timeout problem occurs.

deividAlfa commented 3 months ago

Don't connect ST-Link to VDD pin. Ensure to carefully follow the steps. Don't work too fast, it will fail sometimes. Wait 2-3 seconds before proceeding to the next step. But GD32 is not STM32, the attack might not work.

@CTXz Suggestion: Use 2 or 3 gpios for VDD, so they can be joined more power if a single pin can't supply enough current.

curcius commented 3 months ago

Don't connect ST-Link to VDD pin. Ensure to carefully follow the steps. Don't work too fast, it will fail sometimes. Wait 2-3 seconds before proceeding to the next step. But GD32 is not STM32, the attack might not work.

@CTXz Suggestion: Use 2 or 3 gpios for VDD, so they can be joined more power if a single pin can't supply enough current.

I think the problem is incompatibility with GD32f103 I have already done the entire procedure with great care but unfortunately I was not successful in the exploit. Now I have to accept that I lost control of 8bitdo =/

I greatly appreciate the support provided and wish everyone the best. Thank you very much.

banxian commented 3 months ago

I think PWR led on blue pill board may shrink too much power. gd32f103 is almost register level p2p replacement of stm32f103, but sometimes you may need tweakint RCC related (systeminit ) part in firmware.

deividAlfa commented 3 months ago

I don't think so, my blue pill does just fine. Measure VDD before and after the step Press any key to start dumping firmware.

RED4911 commented 3 months ago

IMG_20240412_223427 Tell me, is there support for swclk, swdio?

curcius commented 3 months ago

IMG_20240412_223427 Diga-me, há suporte para swclk, swdio?

Is the stlink connected to the raspberry pi pico? Not in bluepill? Now it's confusing if it's to connect to the Raspberry, it really won't work because the rp2040 zero doesn't have these communication ports...

curcius commented 2 months ago

Captura de tela de 2024-05-07 15-54-19

I bought a raspberry pi pico according to the images on this github but it doesn't do the dump at all, I made all the connections according to the images in the readme but it's time to dump the timeout. Could anyone help? This GD32F103 damaged the analog ports that are connected to the analog stick of my 8bitdo controller and I wanted to remove the dump to record on another chip.

But I honestly don't know what I'm doing wrong because it always shows timeout as shown in the following image =\

deividAlfa commented 2 months ago

Try waiting about 5-10 seconds between steps, I got similar issues by going too fast. Anyways this is a stm32 attack, might not work in GD32.

curcius commented 2 months ago

Try waiting about 5-10 seconds between steps, I got similar issues by going too fast. Anyways this is a stm32 attack, might not work in GD32.

I was afraid that it wouldn't work on the GD32, I think I have an stm32, I have another bluepill board but I don't know if it has the stm32, I'll check and test with it if it works, then I actually lost my 8bitdo gamepad =/

tretek-prog commented 2 months ago

Боялся, что на GD32 не заработает, думаю у меня stm32, есть еще плата bluepill но не знаю, есть ли на ней stm32, проверю и протестирую на ней, работает ли, тогда Я вообще-то потерял свой геймпад 8bitdo =/

Hello, can I contact you by e-mail?

CTXz commented 2 months ago

This issue is deviating from the original question and is becoming a discussion about whether the exploit works on the GD32.

This topic deserves its own issue and should not be further discussed here.

curcius commented 2 months ago

Боялся, что на GD32 не заработает, думаю у меня stm32, есть еще плата bluepill но не знаю, есть ли на ней stm32, проверю и протестирую на ней, работает ли, тогда Я вообще-то потерял свой геймпад 8bitdo =/

Hello, can I contact you by e-mail?
