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ctex文档类, 想用changes包来跟踪修改, changes包里面的命令对中文不换行(英文没问题) #662

Closed xiaqian369 closed 1 year ago

xiaqian369 commented 1 year ago

如题, 想用\usepackage{changes}来跟踪修改, 但是changes包里面的命令对中文不换行(英文没问题)


\documentclass[a4paper, UTF8, scheme=chinese, openany, titlepage, heading=true]{ctexart}
    %以下4行, 在使用了\usepackage{babel}的时候, 会不生效, 有冲突
    bibname= 参考文献, %参考文献的大标题显示中文"参考文献"
    contentsname = 目录, %目录的大标题显示中文"目录"
    abstractname = 摘要, %摘要的大标题显示中文"摘要"
    figurename = 图, %图题显示中文"图"
    chapter/number = \arabic{chapter}, % 章节编号用阿拉伯数字
    chapter/beforeskip = 0pt, %章节标题与页面顶端的边距
    chapter/aftername=\hspace{10pt}, %章节名和title之间的距离
    section/format += \raggedright, %1级标题左对齐
    subsection/format += \raggedright, %2级标题左对齐
    subsubsection/format += \raggedright, %3级标题左对齐
    appendix/numbering = false %附录不要继续编号

\usepackage[dvipsnames,svgnames,x11names]{xcolor} %颜色定义宏包
\usepackage{geometry} %% 负责版面设计的宏包
\geometry{left=1cm,right=5.5cm,top=1cm,bottom=1.5cm} %让生成的PDF在右侧有足够的批注框进行显示
\definechangesauthor[name={Ma}, color=BrickRed]{Ma} %定义马老师批注颜色
\definechangesauthor[name={Xie},color=NavyBlue]{Xie} %定义解老师批注颜色

% Useful packages
\usepackage[colorlinks=true, allcolors=blue]{hyperref}

\title{Your Paper}




\added[id=Ma,comment="推动中澳关系持续健康稳定发展。双方可在此过程当中,通过建设性磋商平衡解决各自在经贸问题上的关切,共同造福两国人民。澳媒称"]{China urged the European Union to value the overall state of mutual trust and cooperation between them, said the Ministry of Commerce.
Shu Jueting, the ministry's spokeswoman, made the remarks on Thursday in response to media reports that the European Union has proposed sanctions on seven Chinese companies that are accused of selling microelectronics and other products to Russia.
Shu said that China and Russia have engaged in normal economic and trade cooperation on the basis of mutual respect, mutual benefit and win-win outcomes.
The Chinese authorities have repeatedly clarified China's position on the Ukraine issue, stating that China will not add fuel to the fire or take advantage of the situation for its own benefit, Sht said.}



结果为: image

Sophanatprime commented 1 year ago

使用 XeLaTeX 时,加载 xeCJKfntef 宏包即可;使用 pdfLaTeX 时,加载 CJKfntef

muzimuzhi commented 1 year ago

使用 XeLaTeX 时,加载 xeCJKfntef 宏包即可;使用 pdfLaTeX 时,加载 CJKfntef


% !TeX TS-program = xelatex
\usepackage{xcolor} %颜色定义宏包

\usepackage{geometry} %% 负责版面设计的宏包
\geometry{right=5cm, marginparwidth=3cm} %让生成的PDF在右侧有足够的批注框进行显示

\definechangesauthor[name={Ma}, color=red!70!black!80]{Ma} %定义马老师批注颜色




\added[id=Ma,comment=批注内容]{China urged the European Union to value the
overall state of mutual trust and cooperation between them, said the Ministry
of Commerce.}



PS: 原始例子里,