CU-CommunityApps / cwd_base

A lightweight Drupal 8+ theme, implementing Cornell Branding and standard CWD components.
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add field--node--body--full template? #60

Open alisonjo315 opened 1 year ago

alisonjo315 commented 1 year ago

I've seen we end up with a templates for the node body field, for the full view mode -- i.e. field--node--body--full.html.twig (sometimes also field--node--body--default.html.twig). ⚠️ Also needs mytheme_theme_suggestions_field_alter() added to cwd_base.theme to support view mode field templates, like what's in the Bright Beams child theme (cwd_cbb). (See comment in thread below for details.)

For --full, the body gets a div.field-body.double-margin wrapper. For --default, the body gets a div.summary wrapper -- but I think --default isn't used much, because usually there's a specific teaser field, usually the body field isn't shown except on the full view mode.

Is this treatment pretty standard, or just a sometimes thing?

NOTE: If we do this, we'll just need to update a couple templates in cwd_project, that currently put the wrapper markup in the node templates. (Benefit of these field templates is they get used across content types, so you don't have to have duplicate implementation.)

alisonjo315 commented 1 year ago

Okay so, here's what I'm suggesting we do -- if a design person tells me this is a standard enough treatment to be worth putting in cwd_base:

  1. Add the template suggestions stuff to cwd_base.theme (copied from cwd_cbb.theme):

    * Implements hook_theme_suggestions_field_alter().
    function cwd_base_theme_suggestions_field_alter(&$suggestions, array $variables) {
    $field = $variables['element'];
    $sanitized_view_mode = strtr($field['#view_mode'], '.', '_');
    // Add view mode theme suggestions.
    $suggestions[] = 'field__' . $field['#entity_type'] . '__' . $field['#field_name'] . '__' . $field['#bundle'] . '__' . $sanitized_view_mode;
    $suggestions[] = 'field__' . $field['#entity_type'] . '__' . $field['#field_name'] . '__' . $sanitized_view_mode;
  2. Add field--node--body--full.html.twig to cwd_base, with the following content:

    * @file
    * Theme override for node body field, full view mode (any ctype).
    * ~ add div.field-body.double-margin
    * @see field.html.twig
    * @ingroup themeable
    <div class="field-body double-margin">
    {% include "@cwd_base/includes/_field--un-wrapped.html.twig" %}
  3. Create a companion issue on cwd_base, to update the node--news--full.html.twig template (and the same template for people + spotlights) as follows:

    --- a/templates/news/node--news--full.html.twig
    +++ b/templates/news/node--news--full.html.twig
    @@ -20,9 +20,7 @@
    {% endif %}
  • {{ node.body|view('full') }}

    {% if node.field_tags.value -%}

  • alisonjo315 commented 1 year ago

    @ama39 Could you please take a look at this when you have time? -- not urgent!