CU-CommunityApps / cwd_project

A starter child theme for cwd_base, providing just the basics for beginning a custom Drupal design.
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CKEditor template preview thumbnail images are missing #5

Closed philwilliammee closed 1 year ago

philwilliammee commented 4 years ago

See Phil's explanation (and screenshots!) in his comment below.

ckeditor_templates.js line 10 references a non-existent folder of template "preview"/thumbnail images:

(This reference is NOT for placeholder images used within actual WYSIWYG templates!)

Option 1: Add preview/thumbnail images of each template option in the referenced sub-folder (or some other folder).

Option 2: Remove (or comment-out) this line.

alisonjo315 commented 4 years ago

Good catch!

Ideally, we'd use media embeds for these, not images -- I think @woodseowl said (a few months ago) he might've been working on how to do media embeds in wysiwyg templates, idk if that worked out?

woodseowl commented 4 years ago

I think that was on the FCS project (fcs-main on pantheon) and what I found was a commit where I was matching styles to the CSS framework:

"Updating CKEditor styles to match styleguide (node these edits need to go back to cwd_base & CD Demo)" Oct 23, 2019 at 3:58 PM - 9b31d4bb3

Which I don't think I have done.

alisonjo315 commented 4 years ago

Ah, ok, I thought I remembered you saying you might be doing something like that for SCL or Migrations... But either way, if you haven't done it, you haven't done it :D thanks!

ama39 commented 4 years ago

May I get a little more context on this? Which images are missing? Do you mean placeholder photos (like the Big Red Bear) in design patterns that can be dropped in via the Templates button? If so, those photos where previously just direct references to photos housed in the base theme. They could then be double-clicked to replace them via whatever media system was in place in Drupal. Is that no longer working?

alisonjo315 commented 4 years ago

I think all WYSIWYG templates that use images should be removed, and then have a task to add new templates that have placeholder images via media objects (or something). I think it's important to remove the ones that embed straight images... prevent CE folks don't put "legacy" images in there; ...also because if the images are there, there's no way to add more "images" like the placeholders in that space; ...also because we need the template'd markup to work with image media objects, not just image objects.

philwilliammee commented 4 years ago I think they are the images for ckeditor templates. our project doesnt use images but still references a images folder. Seems like we should either support images or remove the reference. but I may be wrong. just an observation.

our templates no images example of a templates that use images
image image

I thought it was odd that a imagesPath is referenced, I don't think the path exists because there is no images folder in the starter project. also there are commented out images in the ckeditor template. Like this one. //image: "template1.gif", If we don't support those images then the commented out lines can be removed

alisonjo315 commented 2 years ago

I just tried to create screenshot examples of the templates, and realized it's WAY more work than I can do, and should be done by someone who uses photoshop/illustrator instead of by someone who uses MS Paint.

We've had this hanging around for a while -- I vote for removing the commented-out lines! -- we can always create a follow-up issue later on to add template screenshots, if someone magically has the time to do it.

I'll open a PR -- I'm not quite to my annual Hacktoberfest t-shirt this year so I need this PR lol 🏃‍♀️ (unless one of y'all are participating in Hacktoberfest but have never replied to my group messages about it.....)