CU-CommunityApps / cwd_project

A starter child theme for cwd_base, providing just the basics for beginning a custom Drupal design.
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Composer install script #8

Open woodseowl opened 4 years ago

woodseowl commented 4 years ago

Here is an idea I am working on for taking care of all of the instructions for file renames in the readme.

It has a dependency on the unix sed command, so I'm not sure how portable it is, but it works on my Mac.

alisonjo315 commented 3 years ago

This is so cool! I can't wait to try it! Next week :crossed_fingers: :crossed_fingers:

alisonjo315 commented 3 years ago

Finally taking a look -- just a few weeks later :laughing:

I tried it out using the instructions you provided in the README, with one modification that only matters for testing: composer require cubear/cwd_project:dev-composer-script (sharing ^^this tip in case anyone else comes in to test)

It's really cool, thank you for writing and proposing!

So I'm putting feedback in one running-but-sectioned list...

Suggestions for the README:

  1. Remove the > characters -- it's nice to be able to "triple-click highlight" and copy/paste commands.
  2. "SITE_NAME" might should be "THEME_NAME", and "THEME" might could be "THEME_SHORT_NAME" (or THEME_MACHINE_NAME).
  3. Also, it might be implied for some people, but it wasn't obvious to me that the text in [] needed quotes around it, maybe add quotes?
  4. Maybe use the "ursine" example that's used in the rest of the README -- i.e.
    export THEME_NAME="College of Ursine Studies theme"
    export THEME_SHORT_NAME="ursine"

    (see #6 below for my short name question/suggestion)


  1. How long do bash variables last? 'Til your next session, or longer, or not that long? -- if they last a while, I wonder if the variable names should be less generic? (if they don't last a while, no need / never mind)

Running the script:

  1. sed existed on my Ubuntu machine, yay, but the script didn't work as-is for me, I had to remove the "in-place" flag. When I ran it as-is, it stopped with the very first command, with this error:

    $ composer install-project
    > sed -i '' "s/cwd_project/$THEME/g"
    sed: can't read s/cwd_project/cwd_batty/g: No such file or directory
    Script sed -i '' "s/cwd_project/$THEME/g" handling the install-project event returned with error code 2

    (When I removed -i '' from each sed command, the script worked. I haven't used sed at all, so idk why/what's up, but, that's what happened when I tried it out!)

  2. When the script runs, it outputs everything to terminal. Does it need to do that or is it optional? It was just, a lot of lines output on my screen, making scroll-back less than ideal.

Other thoughts:

  1. It's nice that the js/scss files don't have to have the full machine name of the theme. Maybe the prompt could use a shorter machine name, so to speak, and insert it after "cwd_" in most cases, but leave it as-is for those two files? -- i.e. something like... export THEME_MACHINENAME="[YOUR CUSTOM THEME SHORT NAME]" Then, the script could replace instances of "cwd_project" with "cwd_YOUR_SHORT_NAME", and rename "project.js" "YOUR_SHORT_NAME.js".

  2. What would you think about ending the script with cd .. ? -- I was disoriented when it was done, 'til I realized I was in a directory that didn't really exist anymore :D To be fair, if I'd read every line of the script beforehand, I would've realized it was renaming the directory along with everything else, and I might not have been so "lost".

  3. After running the script, there were just two straggler cwd_project instances, both in .info.yml:

    $ grep -r "cwd_project" cwd_batty/
    cwd_batty/  - 'cwd_project/global-styling' # @CUSTOMIZE
    cwd_batty/  - 'cwd_project/typekit' # @CUSTOMIZE