Go to the nearest point 'approach_dist' away from the buoy from the sub
Begin to orbit around the pose of the buoy 'approach_dist' away using action server "orbit_bouy"
Once 'number_solo_frames' of the "slay_class" have been received by the orbit_bouy server, success will be indicated to task code and PID control will be restored back to the waypoint navigator.
The sub records the pose it is at (preslay_pose) and sends a request to the waypoint navigator 'slay_dist' behind the buoy. The sub uses "move_mode='backwards'" in the request so that the arm doesn't get stuck in the buoy
The sub begins monitoring the imu and once a value on "imu_axis" is gt/lt "jump_thresh" a bump is indicated in task code. This causes the sub to abort the last request to waypoint nav and send the "preslay_pose" we recorded from step 4
New rospkg: perception_control. Meant to be the interface for visual servoing and optical flow, nodeleted with darknet and the occam driver.
Closes #86 Closes #45
Logic of the task:
New rospkg: perception_control. Meant to be the interface for visual servoing and optical flow, nodeleted with darknet and the occam driver.
Steps to run: roslaunch cusub_sim_bringup divewell_single_task.launch roslaunch cusub_sim_bringup leviathan_description.launch roslaunch cusub_common_bringup leviathan_sim.launch roslaunch perception_control orbit.launch __ns:=leviathan roslaunch mapper mapper.launch truth_data:=true ns:=leviathan roslaunch state_machine state_machine.launch ns:=leviathan using_darknet:=false config_filename:=mission_config_sim.yaml