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nwis dv move units to right place #44

Open xhqiao89 opened 7 years ago

xhqiao89 commented 7 years ago

This is a request to be forwarded to USGS.

In GetValues response, units looks like this: ltunits unitsCode=quotcfsquot/gt The code is intended to be a unique identifier for the unit, and I don't think it's that useful for users. Thus, I'd rather see something like:

ltunits unitsAbbreviation=quotcfsquotgtcubic feet per secondlt/unitsgt

Currently this affects clients such as HydroDesktop, who show quotUnknownquot for units when the inner text is missing from the ltunitsgt element.

USGS currently shows the units name in the ltvariableNamegt element, e.g., ltvariableNamegtDischarge, cubic feet per secondlt/variableNamegt

I think the units name should be moved to the inner text of the ltunitsgt element.