CUAHSI / HydroDesktop

HydroDesktop is a free and open source GIS enabled desktop application that helps you search for, download, visualize, and analyze hydrologic and climate data registered with the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System. HydroDesktop is part of the legacy CUAHSI toolkit and is not under active development. Click the "releases" link below to download the latest installer for Microsoft Windows.
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Add WMS Layers #116

Open xhqiao89 opened 6 years ago

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Using HydroDesktop 1.6.6 Experimental Version: In Online Basemap, select WMS Enter the example WMS URL: and click Get Capabilities.

After a few seconds the list of available wms map layers shows, for example: quotWildfire growth around Yellowstone national park (animation):quot

Select any of the WMS layers.

The quotonline basemapquot map layer shows a black-color image. It doesn't show the correct WMS background map.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

A typical response from some servers that didn't work was No response received in time.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

For the list of WMSes, that should be zoomed OUT to a high extent

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago


I have tested all of the listed WMS service addresses and have come up with the results as follows:

List of WMSes ( -The tiles load up fine, but when zoomed to a high extent, the tiles shift upward for some reason. When zoomed to an appropriate level, the tiles are displayed fine. This pattern followed for many of the other servers that were uploaded into HydroDesktop

Census ( -Apache Error


-Runtime Error

OpenStreetMaps ( -Only the Omniscale server seemed to work. I couldn't either locate the WMS servers on the other sites, or they didn't have them. Most of it was in German -This was a great WMS search site. The tiles loaded fine on from the server, however any shapefiles didn't seem to work on the map extent in HydroDesktop, for example, fire centroids loaded fine, but fire perimeters wouldn't display with server -Tiles loaded fine from this server -Tiles loaded fine from this server -Tiles loaded fine from this server -Could not get this one to work

Overall, the tiles seemed like they just needed to be changed to fit on every extent of HydroDesktop. More accentuation could be added to the Spatineo site, as it seems to be continuously up-to-date with WMS servers. I'm not sure why some of the files wouldn't load into HydroDesktop, you might want to check on that. Also the demis site should have worked, the server connects just fine, but when a file is uploaded into the map extent, nothing is displayed. I don't know what the issue is here. Please let me know if you have any other questions

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Hi, i've uploaded to myget feed new version of WebMap plugin ( which include new WMS provider. Now at least it working with several WMS servers and some projections.

Servers on which i tested and it working fine

Notice, that maybe various issues with projections on server side or DS side (some projections maybe out of date). But it seems that at least EPSG:4326 (CRS:84) and EPSG:3857 is working.

Also, there are some issues with updating plugins via extension manager. It is a common problem and probably will be fixed in next releases. Known problems:

After new WebMap is updated you need to remove by hand old brutile files - they located at C:\Program Files\CUAHSI HIS\HydroDesktop 1.6.13\Application Extensions . Need to remove all Brutile* In the HD ribbon basemap will be in first group. This is extensions order loading problem, and it should be fixed too.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

For finding more WMS's to test, I recommend looking at the new WMS search engine:

This is a big catalogue (similar to HIS Central) but for WMS data services.

Currently (as of 2013-11-14) it monitors 13782 geospatial data services around the world.

Some common issues that need to be dealt with WMS:

Projections - Typically, the WMS server announces the list of projections (EPSG codes) that it supports. If the current projection of hydrodesktop's map doesn't match the WMS server's supported projection, an on-the-fly reprojection of the image is necessary. The on-the fly reprojection of the image creates some distortion effects, so it's usually best and fastest when the current map's projection matches the projection of the WMS data. GetFeatureInfo - some (but not all) WMS servers support the GetFeatureInfo request. this is similar to the identify tool. user sends the clicked coordinates to the server and recieves the attributes (for categorized data such as countries) or value (for continuous data such as elevation) at the clicked location. Sometimes also the co-ordinates of the corresponding shape are returned. Restricted access - Some WMS servers only support password-restricted access. Often the service is actually free but the user must create an account, register and agree with the license on the data provider's website before receiving the rights to access the WMS.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Here are some sample WMS sites we can use to test this feature for 2.0




xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

I need to remove WMS as a basemap option for the next release. Will hopefully have fix ready for 2.0.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

I am marking this for 2.0. We will comment out the option for the 1.6 release, and make sure it works really well for 2.0.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Useful resource for future reference:

WMS Request URL breakdown

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

I think the problem has something to do with the TileSchema. WMS requests use the

UnProjected tile schema, which seems to me to just be a place holder or something and the real schema that needs to be used hasn't been created or something.

I don't totally understand this so I am still looking into it, but that's where I'm at right now.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

This List of WMSes is a useful resource for testing.

I have been testing DotSpatial's WMS feature using some of these. I know that they are functional because I am able to load these maps with another application.

DotSpatial, on the other hand, is not able to create the maps. One of three things happens when loading tiles from this service: (1) nothing at all shows up (see note below), (2) a lot of error tiles, or (3) tiles that are placed completely incorrectly.

The attached example shows each of these cases.

Note about nothing at all: DotSpatial makes the background of Bitmaps black, so if a bitmap has nothing but transparent data on it, the tile will appear completely black. I have since changed this so that the default background is now transparent, so depending on what version of DotSpatial.WebMapPlugin someone is using, a tile with no bitmap data will either be all black or completely invisible.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Do you know of any WMS urls that DO work in HydroDesktop or is this a problem with all WMS?

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

The related bug you described is the same as Issue 8761 that Eric is working on, I think. (Essentially, the layer gets moved to the bottom and is thus hidden by everything else).

I'm looking into the other problem to see what I can figure out.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

BUG: related: I changed the online basemap to World Hydro Overlay, then went back and selected ESRI Base Map, and it will not display. Version 1.6.8. experimental.