CUAHSI / HydroDesktop

HydroDesktop is a free and open source GIS enabled desktop application that helps you search for, download, visualize, and analyze hydrologic and climate data registered with the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System. HydroDesktop is part of the legacy CUAHSI toolkit and is not under active development. Click the "releases" link below to download the latest installer for Microsoft Windows.
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Admins management #214

Open xhqiao89 opened 6 years ago

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Hi It's normal that a user with Admin Authority not view the other Admin users? I see in model of moss_user that retries only the users with authority lower than the user that call the function.

If i inserted some other Admin user how can i delete the user if i don't see in the section User?


xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

I'm sorry this is issue is for HydroserverLite. Please consider this closed. Alex

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Changed in line 46 of application/models/user.php if($authAccess==2) { // $this-db-or_where('authority','teacher'); __$this-db-or_where('authority like ','%');__ }

Now i see all the user me too.
