CUAHSI / HydroDesktop

HydroDesktop is a free and open source GIS enabled desktop application that helps you search for, download, visualize, and analyze hydrologic and climate data registered with the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System. HydroDesktop is part of the legacy CUAHSI toolkit and is not under active development. Click the "releases" link below to download the latest installer for Microsoft Windows.
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Some missing data from Dry Creek #51

Open xhqiao89 opened 7 years ago

xhqiao89 commented 7 years ago

Some data which was uploaded to HIS last month does not appear in HydroDesktop. A time series of Streamflow measurements is truncated at the early and late ends when downloaded from HD. I am able to find the entire time series on our server (Icewater; where HD harvests the data; I am developing a class assignment using HD, hence my insistence in using HD for the download, rather than our server.

Specifically, this is sporadic streamflow from Lower Gauge (not the long term continuous streamflow). This is a bit of a complicated data set, since 8 different methods were used, so the time series was split into 8 series, one for each method. When I download via Icewater I get all the data. When I download via HD, I get all data from some of the series, two are truncated, and two are missing altogether. If this is unclear, please email me and I can better describe the issue


xhqiao89 commented 7 years ago

this issue is still being investigated. Moved target release to 2.0

xhqiao89 commented 7 years ago

Jiri, Any update from SDSC? The problem persists. Chris

xhqiao89 commented 7 years ago

I found that the problem is probably because the HIS Central Catalog ( is not correctly harvesting the newly added Dry Creek series that were added last month. I have contacted the HIS Central team at SDSC and I hope they can fix the problem in the next few days.

xhqiao89 commented 7 years ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. I was able to duplicate it and our team is investigating this issue.