CUAHSI / HydroDesktop

HydroDesktop is a free and open source GIS enabled desktop application that helps you search for, download, visualize, and analyze hydrologic and climate data registered with the CUAHSI Hydrologic Information System. HydroDesktop is part of the legacy CUAHSI toolkit and is not under active development. Click the "releases" link below to download the latest installer for Microsoft Windows.
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GHCN search shows all stations #78

Open xhqiao89 opened 6 years ago

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

I created a rectangle to search for stations in N. Florida that have precip records. In looking at returned GHCN stations, the results table shows all stations in the whole network; I think it should only show the ones that were returned for my spatial search, the ones on the map. see jpg attached.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Discussion required - leaving marked as proposed.

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

Can you explain this problem more: In the attached screenshot the table shows U.S HUC. What do you mean by the results table shows all stations in the whole network? When you create a rectangle to search, all stations that are within the rectangle are returned.

Do I correctly understand your issue like this: After search you selected some HUC's in the table. You want to hide the GHCN stations that are not within the HUC's?

xhqiao89 commented 6 years ago

version 1.5.8