CUL-DigitalServices / avocet-ui

Open Academic Environment (OAE) Front-End
Educational Community License v2.0
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Anne-Sophie's name from her login details spelt incorrectly #322

Closed micheleidesmith closed 9 years ago

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

My name is still written as Anne-Sophie De-Baets. There shouldn't be a - between De and Baets.

The issue is we don't know where the name is pulled from as the entry in lookup is correct.

bertpareyn commented 9 years ago

This is not a bug in avocet but incorrect data associated to your account. Shibboleth is looking at the following properties to find the name to display, if it doesn't have one it goes on to the next:

displayName > eduPersonNickname > cn > eduPersonPrincipalName

The data has to be changed on their side. Note that this will not correct what's displayed on the OA production site as your displayName is stored into Cassandra the first time you log in. You could test it on staging on a clean dataset though.

Going to close as non-issue.