CUL-DigitalServices / avocet-ui

Open Academic Environment (OAE) Front-End
Educational Community License v2.0
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Add URL hyperlink to download submitted file from Avocet within ZenDesk #393

Closed micheleidesmith closed 9 years ago

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

It would be easier for the Services team if the hyperlink to download the file from Avocet was reinstated in ZenDesk e.g.

screenshot 2014-10-22 09 44 49

It will save a bit of time instead of copying and pasting the link from the custom field.

We also noticed that although there is a link to the Avocet admin view of the submission page, where it's possible to download the file, your browser requires you to accept the security risk of accessing the file. I can't screenshot this as I can no longer access to test it. I'm not sure if this was because it was trying to resolve to the staging server?



bertpareyn commented 9 years ago

Fixed in