CUL-DigitalServices / avocet-ui

Open Academic Environment (OAE) Front-End
Educational Community License v2.0
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Product name mismatch at sign-in #396

Closed oszkarnagy closed 9 years ago

oszkarnagy commented 9 years ago

When signing in for the first time, on the Google page you select your Google account, then it takes you to the grant permissions page. On that page it asks you to give rights to 'Avocet', instead of 'Open Access at Cambridge' which the title on the site was so far. People might find it suspocious, since they don't know what 'Avocet' is.

Wanted to do a screenshot, but can't get back to it now once I granted permissions.

bertpareyn commented 9 years ago

This is a non-issue in production as we use Shibboleth authentication. However, the issue here is that the generated key we're using on Staging0 and Dev0 was generated for a project called 'Avocet', not 'Open Access at Cambridge' whereas before we were using different keys with the former project title (probably associated to simon's account still).

I'll generate a new key with the correct title and put it in puppet.

bertpareyn commented 9 years ago

The key and secret have been changed in puppet ( Closing.

bertpareyn commented 9 years ago

This has also been deployed on staging now.