CUL-DigitalServices / avocet-ui

Open Academic Environment (OAE) Front-End
Educational Community License v2.0
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Updated email addresses in lookup are not picked up #413

Closed micheleidesmith closed 9 years ago

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

When a user first logs in with their Raven details at their email address is stored in OAE's user management.

If the user changes their email address we subsequently don't pick up the new email address from Lookup after the first use of

For example the user Saphsa Codling updated their email address in Lookup after using and all subsequent tickets used the incorrect email address. I manually updated their email in the OAE admin interface.

We need to change the way the Lookup integration works so that we don't have this problem every time an existing user changes their email address.

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

I think this has now been fixed by the change shipped in 1.0.3 and Can we close it?