CUL-DigitalServices / avocet-ui

Open Academic Environment (OAE) Front-End
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User does not see confirmation page #415

Open micheleidesmith opened 9 years ago

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

A user has reported that nothing happened after clicking the 'submit' button and that he never saw the confirmation page. However we received his manuscript multiple times:

OA-2547 to OA-2574 inclusive were identical submissions, submitted by the same user Mohammed Elshafie.

Mohammed reported using:

Mac OS X, Version 10.6.8 Safari Version 5.1.10 (6534.59.10)

Can you investigate what might have happened here? Is there anything in the logs.

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

This same problem was also reported by another user, Ashraf Ibrahim who uploaded his manuscript 3 times on November 26th. He sent screenshots of the submission page and reported:

"when I try to submit the manuscript, once I click submit, I get an empty screen (no confirmation). I am using firefox (latest version and latest version of Mac OS)."

See ZenDesk ticket here:

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

Nobody has looked at this as far as I'm aware since I raised the issue, and it's still causing a problem for the user. Re-assigning to Mathieu to investigate.

Coenego commented 9 years ago

I just tried to reproduce the issue using different browsers, without success.

I noticed that the user's browser (see screenshots in ZenDesk) displays the form data in the address bar, which is not the expected behaviour. This might be caused by the browser interpreting the javascript wrong which results in a malfunctioning ajax request.

I do not have access to the production environment, so I can't check the logs. But I strongly believe that it has nothing to do with the back-end. It's more likely that it's a front-end or browser issue.

Have both users tried different browsers @micheleidesmith?

micheleidesmith commented 9 years ago

I'll ask Mohammed to try a different browser and see if that works. Thanks for investigating.