CURTLab / LVGLBuilder

GUI Builder for littlevgl.
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arm64 linux not support #14

Closed ddkwork closed 3 years ago

ddkwork commented 3 years ago

arm64 linux seem not supposed, the widget not view. And the tree widget not has, can you add it? Thank you.

Screenshot_20210622_080441_com realvnc viewer android

mrQzs commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor You need to switch to the dev-v7 branch, because the lvgl of the master branch is lvgl6.0, and some functions are not implemented.

mrQzs commented 3 years ago

image image @DiskGetor

mrQzs commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor If you are developing a program based on lvgl6.0, you can only create a new page. Because some problems in the multi-page situation have not been corrected on the master branch.

ddkwork commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor If you are developing a program based on lvgl6.0, you can only create a new page. Because some problems in the multi-page situation have not been corrected on the master branch.

I'm sorry, I can't build v7 Screenshot_20210622_220933_com realvnc viewer android

mrQzs commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor What is your qt version? You may need to git clean, then recompile.

ddkwork commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor 什么是您的夸脱的版本吗? 你可能需要一件干净,然后重新编译。


mrQzs commented 3 years ago

image @DiskGetor 我用qt12.1测了一下,发现没问题,就是newdialog要加上cmath的头文件,没有出现你这种一大堆的错误...

mrQzs commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor 你要不明天早上拉取一下最新的代码,我等会加上cmathi头文件,然后你编译看看.因为我用linux编译过好几次release版本了,都没出现你这个情况...

mrQzs commented 3 years ago

我已经提交好代码了,你拉取测试一下.最好重新建一个文件夹吧.还有你是什么linux版本的系统? centos?

ddkwork commented 3 years ago

我已经提交好代码了,你拉取测试一下.最好重新建一个文件夹吧.还有你是什么linux版本的系统? centos?


ddkwork commented 3 years ago

我已经提交好代码了,你拉取测试一下.最好重新建一个文件夹吧.还有你是什么linux版本的系统? centos?


mrQzs commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor 我晚上装个manjaro看下吧,急需的话,ubuntu是没问题的.

mrQzs commented 3 years ago


@DiskGetor manjaro20 可以编译通过. 我的qt是官方镜像下载安装的,然后就用了pacman -S core/gcc 和pacman -S make 没了

ddkwork commented 3 years ago


@DiskGetor manjaro20 可以编译通过. 我的qt是官方镜像下载安装的,然后就用了pacman -S core/gcc 和pacman -S make 没了

是啊,最近尝试好几个软件编译,ghidra mitmproxy qt6 base tools, amd64 linux都得行,aarch64总是出错,您装的这个应该是amd64,试试aarch64吧,

mrQzs commented 3 years ago

@DiskGetor 你是用arm版本的编译器编译qt源码生成qt的吧?你看那些的错误,错误都错在官方头文件上。。。你是不是编译少了一些组件。。。代码本身跨平台也应该支持,因为需要特定架构的内容都没有。