CUTR-at-USF / OpenTripPlanner-for-Android

An Android app for multi-modal trip planning and navigation using any OpenTripPlanner server.
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Implement timetables at a stop or for a whole line #337

Open kalon33 opened 10 years ago

kalon33 commented 10 years ago


It would be great to be able to look at timetables at a stop (for all lines at this stop or only for a precise line) and for a whole line (stop times at each stop) in the app, it's another way to plan a trip, and would be helpful when real time schedules are implemented.

Thanks for working on this :)

barbeau commented 10 years ago

@kalon33 Agreed, this would be nice.

vreixo commented 10 years ago

@kalon33 a possible solution would be to offer the option to show all the stops in the map with different markers, but as we have discussed time ago this is the main functionality of OneBusAway and it may be a bit of a efforts duplication. Another option that comes to my mind is to create new screens and offer them from a navigation drawer in the left and move the travel options selector to the right.

I'm not sure what might be the best approach here but I would like to keep the app easy to use and not very overwhelming to the user.

Btw @barbeau I think that your proposed redesign of OBA Android looks really great! Would be interesting something similar to OTP, for example the bottom sliding drawer to show the itineraries.

barbeau commented 10 years ago

@vreixo Agreed, I'd like to try and find a way to leverage OBA Android for some of this. Re: UI redesign (, for anyone else curious) - Thanks! I like the sliding bottom panel in general, and I had similar thoughts for using this for the OTP Android itineraries, similar to how Google Maps currently works.

A very early working version of OBA Android with sliding drawer is here, if you want to try it out:

kalon33 commented 10 years ago

@vreixo : Your option 2) is to my mind the best. You could add in the left drawer two options: one to see timetables for a line and another for bus stops, or only one option to see timetables, and then when you choose it, display a droplist to choose stops or lines (should consider both long and short names for routes as provided in the GTFS files I think) and a search box (with autocomplete powers, if possible server side)

Just my two cents ;)

vreixo commented 10 years ago

@kalon33 I'm not sure if this is so easy to do for OTP, because the number of lines will be huge for some servers like for example the one that covers all Netherlands and there are several different agencies and types of transit services.

btw, I was commenting some issues just to give my opinion, but they are not my priority right now and after the contributions that I'm going to do these days, for the next months, I will be working on another project and unfortunately I don't think that I will have time to make important changes in the app.

kalon33 commented 10 years ago

@vreixo So maybe we should add some filter like choosing an agency before looking for a line.

I perfectly understand that it's not your priority, but at least we have some ideas somewhere on how to implement it and problems which would be encountered if somebody wants / has the time to do it :)

kalon33 commented 10 years ago

Now that bike rental is available for some servers, it would be great to also make it possible to see near bike rental stations in a list, with available bikes and racks.