CUTR-at-USF / OpenTripPlanner-for-Android

An Android app for multi-modal trip planning and navigation using any OpenTripPlanner server.
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Open Pistos opened 9 years ago

Pistos commented 9 years ago

Why not add this project to ?

barbeau commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately f-droid doesn't allow apps that depend on Google Play Services, which we're currently using for location and Maps API v2.

It's possible to add open-source evaluates of these to support an alternate pure open-source version of OTP Android, if we can find them.

For location, a possible alternate is LOST:

For Maps API v2, I'm not aware of a pure open-source alternative. OSMDroid is the closest, but they support Maps API v1 interface, not Maps v2.

We'd probably also want to set this up to build the current version of OTP Android and a pure open-source version via Gradle build flavors, something like what I set up for OBA Android to support an alternate Amazon flavor in and

I'll leave this ticket open so we know what still needs to be done to get into f-droid.

Pistos commented 9 years ago

Thanks for the info!

yaroslavd commented 8 years ago

Looks like got moved to here. Can you please either publish the app to the Amazon AppStore, or at least enable Amazon Fire Phone as a compatible device in Google Play? The apk barbeau e-mailed me works, so looks to be compatible. And I wanted to alpha test the new version!

barbeau commented 8 years ago

@yaroslavd Sorry, I just realized that I never posted the final Fire Phone production release URL - just added that here. So its publicly available now.

If you're referring to the alpha testing I just mentioned in #155 and #177, I can sign you up for Fire Phone alpha releases via the Amazon App Store. However, Amazon does this a little differently than Google, and I'll need your email address. Please feel free to email me at barbeau (at) and I'll get you signed up.

barbeau commented 8 years ago

Also, no F-Droid release pending in the near future - major obstacles at this point are finding OSS drop-in replacements for Google Maps API v2 and Google Analytics.