CUTR-at-USF / OpenTripPlanner-for-Android

An Android app for multi-modal trip planning and navigation using any OpenTripPlanner server.
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Change Android Maps API V2.0 to Maps SDK for Android #495

Closed israteneda closed 5 years ago

israteneda commented 5 years ago

I am trying to change the default Android Maps API Key because in some devices the map doesn't show. I follow the instructions at Google developers:

But when I changed the API key the map doesn't show. I changed the value of meta-data in AndroidManifest.xml

Is it a problem that in Android Manifest meta-data the Android name changed from "" to ""?

What can I do?

Thank you for your help.

barbeau commented 5 years ago

@israteneda You'll need to sign the debug and release builds of your OTP Android fork with your own key to get a new Maps API key to work with the app - I'm guessing this is the issue. The debug releases of OTP Android are signed with:

...based on the config in build.gradle. In the Google API Console, this key is then configured to be used with the API key in OTP Android.

To fix this, replace otp-android.debug.keystore with your own keystore to sign the debug version of the app, or try building a release build and signing that with your own keystore.

israteneda commented 5 years ago

Thank you for your help @barbeau I could change the API key, and change the direction of keystore in build.gradle to:

storeFile file("C:\\Users\\israt\\.android\\debug.keystore")

I see in google console and the number of API request is increasing.

But the first error persists the map show in my phone but I test the app in a Samsung Tablet and Huawei phone and doesn't show the map. This is the log when I ran the application on the tablet:

06/21 16:50:18: Launching opentripplanner-android $ adb install-multiple -r -t C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_7.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\dep\dependencies.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_1.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_2.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_0.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_4.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_3.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_5.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_6.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_9.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\split-apk\debug\slices\slice_8.apk C:\Users\israt\AndroidStudioProjects\app-siu\opentripplanner-android\build\intermediates\instant-run-apk\debug\opentripplanner-android-debug.apk Split APKs installed in 10 s 729 ms $ adb shell am start -n "" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Connected to process 5732 on device samsung-sm_t285m-520329f8feb3b300 Capturing and displaying logcat messages from application. This behavior can be disabled in the "Logcat output" section of the "Debugger" settings page. E/Zygote: MountEmulatedStorage() v2 I/libpersona: KNOX_SDCARD checking this for 10273 KNOX_SDCARD not a persona I/SELinux: Function: selinux_compare_spd_ram , priority [2] , priority version is VE=SEPF_SM-T285M_5.1.1_0072 E/SELinux: [DEBUG] get_category: variable seinfo: default sensitivity: NULL, cateogry: NULL I/art: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni E/art: setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE) failed for pid 5732: Operation not permitted I/InstantRun: starting instant run server: is main process D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : false *FMB* installDecor flags : 8454400 I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<androidx.core.view.ViewCompat$OnUnhandledKeyEventListenerWrapper> Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<androidx.core.view.ViewCompat$OnUnhandledKeyEventListenerWrapper> I/zzy: Making Creator dynamically W/ResourcesManager: Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources. Asset path '/system/framework/' does not exist or contains no resources. W/DynamiteModule: Failed to load module via V2: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "$DynamiteLoaderClassLoader" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]] I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module Selected remote version of, version >= 221 D/ApplicationPackageManager: getResourcesForApplication got new pi = D/ApplicationPackageManager: getResourcesForApplication got new pi = I/Google Maps Android API: Google Play services client version: 7895000 I/Google Maps Android API: Google Play services package version: 17455006 W/System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/data/ D/AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager E/MotionRecognitionManager: mSContextService = null motionService =$Stub$Proxy@b989664 W/ContextImpl: Failed to ensure directory: /storage/extSdCard/Android/data/ W/System.err: mkdir failed: EEXIST (File exists) : /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/ W/System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/data/ D/AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager E/MotionRecognitionManager: mSContextService = null motionService =$Stub$Proxy@93bb4db D/OTP: finish onStart() onActivityCreated W/System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/data/ D/OTP: Updating from app version 18 to 18 D/OTP: Server not selected yet, should be first start or app update D/OTP: MainFragment onResume D/OpenGLRenderer: Use EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED: false D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4 D/OpenGLRenderer: Get maximum texture size. GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE is 4096 Enabling debug mode 0 D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : true *FMB* installDecor flags : 8388610 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false (HTTPLog)-Static: isShipBuild true (HTTPLog)-Thread-5915-362465944: SmartBonding Enabling is false, SHIP_BUILD is true, log to file is false, DBG is false (HTTPLog)-Thread-5915-362465944: SMARTBONDING_FEATURE_ENABLED is false (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Attempt retrieving servers from sqlite D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: No data from sqlite. Attempt retrieving servers from google spreadsheet I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/Timeline: Timeline: Activity_idle id: android.os.BinderProxy@3e1c18fd time:53807767 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false W/System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/data/ W/System.err: remove failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory) : /data/data/ I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false W/DynamiteModule: Local module descriptor class for not found. Failed to load module via V2: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "$DynamiteLoaderClassLoader" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/", zip file "/data/app/"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]] I/art: Background sticky concurrent mark sweep GC freed 470(91KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 12MB/13MB, paused 5.371ms total 20.294ms I/DynamiteModule: Considering local module and remote module Selected remote version of, version >= 4 D/ApplicationPackageManager: getResourcesForApplication got new pi = getResourcesForApplication got new pi = I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Servers: 23 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false D/OTP: Wrote 'Tampa' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Retrieved 'Tampa' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Portland' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Retrieved 'Portland' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Wrote 'Greenville, SC' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Greenville, SC' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Calgary, Canada' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Calgary, Canada' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote ' - Norte, Portugal' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved ' - Norte, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote ' - Madeira, Portugal' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved ' - Madeira, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote ' - Portimão, Portugal' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved ' - Portimão, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote ' - Condeixa, Portugal' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved ' - Condeixa, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Netherlands' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Netherlands' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'A Coruña/Ferrol' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'A Coruña/Ferrol' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Wrote 'Birmingham, AL' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Birmingham, AL' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Portugal' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Livorno Province - Tuscany, Italy' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Livorno Province - Tuscany, Italy' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Bogotá, Colombia' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Bogotá, Colombia' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Aquitaine, France' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Aquitaine, France' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Santander, Spain' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Santander, Spain' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Bologna Province, Italy' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Bologna Province, Italy' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Venice Province, Italy' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Venice Province, Italy' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Grenoble, France' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Grenoble, France' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Paris, France' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Paris, France' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Madrid, Spain' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Retrieved 'Madrid, Spain' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Djerba, Tunisia' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Retrieved 'Djerba, Tunisia' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Wrote 'Railway, Tunisia' server date to SQLLite - 1561153837162 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Retrieved 'Railway, Tunisia' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Tampa' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Portland' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Greenville, SC' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Calgary, Canada' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved ' - Norte, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved ' - Madeira, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved ' - Portimão, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved ' - Condeixa, Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Netherlands' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'A Coruña/Ferrol' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Birmingham, AL' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Portugal' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Livorno Province - Tuscany, Italy' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Bogotá, Colombia' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Aquitaine, France' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Santander, Spain' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Retrieved 'Bologna Province, Italy' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Venice Province, Italy' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Grenoble, France' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Paris, France' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Madrid, Spain' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Djerba, Tunisia' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 Retrieved 'Railway, Tunisia' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Tampa1561153837162 Portland1561153837162 Greenville, SC1561153837162 Calgary, Canada1561153837162 - Norte, Portugal1561153837162 - Madeira, Portugal1561153837162 - Portimão, Portugal1561153837162 - Condeixa, Portugal1561153837162 Netherlands1561153837162 A Coruña/Ferrol1561153837162 Birmingham, AL1561153837162 Portugal1561153837162 Livorno Province - Tuscany, Italy1561153837162 Bogotá, Colombia1561153837162 Aquitaine, France1561153837162 Santander, Spain1561153837162 Bologna Province, Italy1561153837162 Venice Province, Italy1561153837162 Grenoble, France1561153837162 Paris, France1561153837162 Madrid, Spain1561153837162 Djerba, Tunisia1561153837162 Railway, Tunisia1561153837162 Retrieved 'Tampa' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/InputMethodManager: windowDismissed mLockisused = false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: No server automatically selected. User will need to choose the OTP server. D/AbsListView: Get MotionRecognitionManager D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : true *FMB* installDecor flags : 8388610 D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false E/ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/ViewRootImpl: ViewPostImeInputStage ACTION_DOWN D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* installDecor mIsFloating : true *FMB* installDecor flags : 8388610 D/OTP: Chosen: Bogotá, Colombia D/InputMethodManager: windowDismissed mLockisused = false D/PhoneWindow: *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled mFloatingMenuBtn : null *FMB* isFloatingMenuEnabled return false E/ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false E/OTP: Server not working with API V1, trying again this time with old version: I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/InputMethodManager: windowDismissed mLockisused = false D/OTP: Retrieved 'Bogotá, Colombia' server date from SQLLite - 1561153837162 D/OTP: Found server with id: 14 D/OTP: Now using OTP server: Bogotá, Colombia E/ViewRootImpl: sendUserActionEvent() mView == null D/OTP: Using Nominatim!,4.476,-73.979,4.832&bounded=1&key=RUjVG64Ran1mRqPnIo8WWjUgBDG43Upq I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: Using Nominatim! I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false D/OTP: [{"place_id":"58810599","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright","osm_type":"node","osm_id":"4745778589","boundingbox":["4.6693162","4.6694162","-74.0970882","-74.0969882"],"lat":"4.6693662","lon":"-74.0970382","display_name":"Avellenada J & A, Carrera 69, Normandía, Engativá, Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital, 111021, Colombia","class":"shop","type":"convenience","importance":0.001,"icon":"http:\/\/\/nominatim\/images\/mapicons\/shopping_convenience.p.20.png"}] D/OTP: Avellenada J & A, Carrera 69, Normandía, Engativá, Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital, 111021, Colombia 4.6693662,-74.0970382 D/OTP: [{"place_id":"58810599","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright","osm_type":"node","osm_id":"4745778589","boundingbox":["4.6693162","4.6694162","-74.0970882","-74.0969882"],"lat":"4.6693662","lon":"-74.0970382","display_name":"Avellenada J & A, Carrera 69, Normandía, Engativá, Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital, 111021, Colombia","class":"shop","type":"convenience","importance":0.001,"icon":"http:\/\/\/nominatim\/images\/mapicons\/shopping_convenience.p.20.png"}] Avellenada J & A, Carrera 69, Normandía, Engativá, Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital, 111021, Colombia 4.6693662,-74.0970382 D/OTP: Using Nominatim!,4.476,-73.979,4.832&bounded=1&key=RUjVG64Ran1mRqPnIo8WWjUgBDG43Upq I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false D/OTP: [{"place_id":"58810599","licence":"Data © OpenStreetMap contributors, ODbL 1.0. https:\/\/\/copyright","osm_type":"node","osm_id":"4745778589","boundingbox":["4.6693162","4.6694162","-74.0970882","-74.0969882"],"lat":"4.6693662","lon":"-74.0970382","display_name":"Avellenada J & A, Carrera 69, Normandía, Engativá, Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital, 111021, Colombia","class":"shop","type":"convenience","importance":0.001,"icon":"http:\/\/\/nominatim\/images\/mapicons\/shopping_convenience.p.20.png"}] D/OTP: Avellenada J & A, Carrera 69, Normandía, Engativá, Bogotá, Bogotá Distrito Capital, 111021, Colombia 4.6693662,-74.0970382 I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: (HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false I/System.out: KnoxVpnUidStorageknoxVpnSupported API value returned is false

barbeau commented 5 years ago

@israteneda Trying checking the map tile provider in the OTP Android app settings. IIRC the default tile provider is not Google, so you'd need to set up an account with your own API key to use that tile provider. Or, you can just switch the tile provider to Google and then you should be able to see map tiles.