CUTR-at-USF / ontime-performance-calculator

An application to calculate on-time performance using archived GTFS-realtime data
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Open mohangandhiGH opened 7 years ago

mohangandhiGH commented 7 years ago

Ontime-Performance tool requires a GTFS feed to be given as input. This tool is tested on HART GTFS feed

The tool then do the necessary calculations to populate the fields closest_stop_id, distance_to_stop, closest_to_stop, schedule_deviation and timepoint. Here is the desired output output.xlsx

The query run to view the output in SQL server is SELECT TOP (10000) [oid] ,[trip_id], [timestamp] , [position_latitude], [position_longitude], [distance_to_stop] ,[closest_stop_id], [closest_to_stop], [schedule_deviation], [timepoint]
FROM [gtfsrdb_HART_static_10-17-2016].[dbo].[vehicle_positions] /****databasename.schema.tablename*****/ WHERE [timestamp]>='2016-03-27 00:00:00.0' AND [timestamp]<='2017-03-25 00:00:00.0' /*service range of GTFS feed**\/ AND trip_id=192226 ORDER BY [oid] DESC