CV-CUDA™ is an open-source, GPU accelerated library for cloud-scale image processing and computer vision.
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[QUESTION]Error: Line 271: '' failed: invalid configuration argument #96

Open mortal-Zero opened 11 months ago

mortal-Zero commented 11 months ago

What is your question?

When I use cvcuda.warp_affine, I got an error Line 271: '' failed: invalid configuration argument.

I pass a nvcv.ImageBatchVarShape, a nvcv.Tensor, flags=cvcuda.Interp.LINEAR, border_mode=cvcuda.Border.CONSTANT, border_value=[0], and the len(image_batch) is 1500, theaffine_matrices.shape is (1500, 6)

Thanks for help.

bhaefnerNV commented 2 months ago

Hi @mortal-Zero,

Thank you very much for you interest in CVCUDA!

We currently track this bug internally and will fix it in a future release.

As a workaround for now, I recommend calling warp_affine multiple times, but with smaller batch sizes, e.g. call it 3x each with a batch size of 500.