CVEProject / cvelistV5

CVE cache of the official CVE List in CVE JSON 5 format
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no guarantee that a cveRecords property will exist #15

Open ElectricNroff opened 1 year ago

ElectricNroff commented 1 year ago

In at dbd65c7934b08d8c45e57ea7104615a164fbcfd3

const response = await cveService.cve({ queryString });
let cves = [];
response.cveRecords.forEach(obj => {
const cves = await service.cve({ queryString });
const cveIds = [];
cves.cveRecords.forEach(record => {
const cves = await service.cve({ queryString });
// console.log(`getCvesByPage().cves=${JSON.stringify(cves, null, 2)}`);
const cveIds = [];
cves.cveRecords.forEach(record => {

there's no guarantee that a query to a CVE Services API in AWS will have a response with the application/json content type. In recent and realistic cases, the response can instead have:

Content-type: text/html

<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>

(for example, this was seen in production 2023-02-12T21:01Z)

For the text/html content type, Axios won't create a JavaScript object, and accessing the cveRecords property will fail.

There was a request for the CVE Services API documentation to mention that text/html may occur, but there was no action on this request:

To resolve this, one possibility is to read the cveRecords property only if the content type is application/json. (It is also realistic for the cveRecords property to be missing when the content type is application/json but the status is 429 - as shown in - but this perhaps has not occurred in recent months.)