CVEProject / cvelistV5

CVE cache of the official CVE List in CVE JSON 5 format
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Create LICENSE file for CC0 #36

Open hkong-mitre opened 10 months ago

hkong-mitre commented 10 months ago

Adding a license file to the repository

pombredanne commented 10 months ago

I thought that there was already a different license for this data... I have documented this here

It is fine if you switch to a CC0-1.0 license but has this be vouched for by MITRE legal?

pombredanne commented 10 months ago

See in particular

pombredanne commented 4 months ago

gentle ping

eslerm commented 3 months ago

I would love for this to be CC0, but the attribution clause in the terms of use page implies CC BY 4.0 or similar:

Any copy you make for such purposes is authorized provided that you reproduce MITRE's copyright designation and this license in any such copy.

Of course, MITRE could remove this clause.