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Add the assigning CNA to the required information for an entry submission #12

Open EvansJonathan opened 7 years ago

EvansJonathan commented 7 years ago

GOAL: Track who reserved what CVE IDs. CHANGE: Should the original reservation entity or reservation chain be added to required data? OUTCOME: Regardless of the assigner, the entire Sub CNA/Root CNA chain of CVE ID reservations will be included in each CVE entry.

kurtseifried commented 7 years ago

+1. DWF includes the actual CVE Mentor that assigned it (e.g. an individual like "bobsmith@some.tld" or "" where is then expected to keep internal records).

dadinolfi commented 6 years ago

Suggestion: Make [ASSIGNINGCNA] a required field. Add [ASSIGNINGCNA] to Appendix B including this description:

The [ASSIGNING CNA]: field should include the name of the assigning CNA. CNAs should use a consistent name to facilitate searches for CVE IDs that originate from them.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Would it be possible to backfill old CVE entries with the [Assigning CNA] field? I'm in the process of writing an academic paper on the topic (in the business field).

Thank you for your fantastic work, by the way.