When computing the bulk Richardson number, we want
Rib = (d-dr)*(Br-B(d))/( |Vr-V(d)|^2 + Vt^2(d) )
Where d is the current cell-center depth and dr is the center of the surface layer. As @toddringler pointed out, dr = 0.5_surf_layer_ext_d, so instead of adding an additional argument to cvmix_kpp_compute_bulk_Richardson() we'll compute
When computing the bulk Richardson number, we want
Rib = (d-dr)*(Br-B(d))/( |Vr-V(d)|^2 + Vt^2(d) )
Where d is the current cell-center depth and dr is the center of the surface layer. As @toddringler pointed out, dr = 0.5_surf_layer_ext_d, so instead of adding an additional argument to cvmix_kpp_compute_bulk_Richardson() we'll compute
Rib = (1-0.5_surf_layer_ext)_d*(Br-B(d))/( |Vr-V(d)|^2 + Vt^2(d) )