CVNRneuroimaging / infrastructure

Issue tracking, system documentation and configs for operations side of the neuroimaging core @ Atlanta VA CVNR / Emory University
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More issues.... no idea what's going on here #132

Closed simonero closed 8 years ago

simonero commented 8 years ago

I was using pano fine earlier. I logged on to check on the status of a process I was running from GSU and get these errors, both on pano and qball3:

-bash: /netusers/srrobe3/.profile: Input/output error

srrobe3@qball3:/data/birc/Atlanta$ ls
ls: reading directory .: Input/output error srrobe3@qball3:/data/birc/Atlanta$ ls -lh ls: reading directory .: Input/output error total 0

Folders are gone or can't be accessed.

What's going on? Does this mean everything I did today is gone? =(

rrmm commented 8 years ago

hippostore's raid card seems to have error'ed out. The filesystems are currently read-only.

kmcgregor123456 commented 8 years ago

@simonero close please