CVNRneuroimaging / infrastructure

Issue tracking, system documentation and configs for operations side of the neuroimaging core @ Atlanta VA CVNR / Emory University
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Freesurfer & IDL @rama #162

Closed simonero closed 8 years ago

simonero commented 8 years ago

I need freesurfer's license placed in the correct place on rama + I need IDL. I put the necessary files in one of my folders, they just need to be moved:

cp /data/localdatarama1/00.Supporting_Files/freesurferFiles/license.txt /usr/local/freesurfer

mkdir /usr/local/idl cp /data/localdatarama1/00.Supporting_Files/IDLfiles/ /usr/local/idl

then that needs to be unzipped

Thank you!

rrmm commented 8 years ago
