CVNRneuroimaging / infrastructure

Issue tracking, system documentation and configs for operations side of the neuroimaging core @ Atlanta VA CVNR / Emory University
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Need Pano Location #173

Closed simonero closed 8 years ago

simonero commented 8 years ago

@kmcgregor123456 @rrmm

I need a location to process on pano locally. Don't care where just that it's local. I will be storing/generating 34GB of space and I don't need to keep it long-term. I need 2.5days for this to run, so I'm hoping to get it finished far enough to share diagnostics by the Thursday meeting.

Can i have a path+permissions please?


kmcgregor123456 commented 8 years ago

Working on this now

simonero commented 8 years ago

@kmcgregor123456 Thanks for doing this. Very helpful.

The "newer" error that is very consistent was recreated during processing on pano. This indicates that the problem is not rama-specific. I also received a window with a crash error, like I do variably get on rama. The error, like usual, occurred while the c++ program track_network was sleeping. However, looking more closely at the crash, it does appear to have occurred in relation to a file associated with the error.

Now that I can assume some consistency between rama and pano, I'm going to focus on getting my program to work so I can process data and move on. I'm hoping this process will elucidate whether or not the problem is ROI related. I don't need to use pano for this, but it will speed up the process if I look at ROIs and code as the source concurrently on rama and pano. Let me know if my use of computing resources on pano is an issue and I will stop.