CVNRneuroimaging / infrastructure

Issue tracking, system documentation and configs for operations side of the neuroimaging core @ Atlanta VA CVNR / Emory University
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order, test, and deploy remote KVM for GNAX #28

Closed stowler closed 8 years ago

stowler commented 10 years ago

20140130 stowler email to Keith, Bruce, Joe, and Dan:

Hi guys,

Keith is aware of this, but if we are going to have servers somewhere that is hard to reach physically (e.g., NDB without access cards, or White Street's long drive from anywhere), we need to include a 1-pizza-box-thick item in the rack that allows us to remotely access keyboard, video, and mouse ports without being on-site. For example:

This "remote KVM" also provides the keyboard, video, and mouse for when we are physically in front of the equipment.

20140205 stowler response to Bruce's question about how frequently we'll need physical access to our off-campus equipment:

Physical access:

When there are no problems to troubleshoot access needs are just driven by PRN operations:

When there are problems that require rebooting or off-network access we require constant and immediate access through the duration of the troubleshoot. Examples include:

The $1700 remotely accessible keyboard/video/monitor switch (KVM) I sent last week obviates need for physical access during all of those troubleshooting examples except for loss of power.

stowler commented 10 years ago

20140624 stowler email requesting KVM:

Keith, Dan, Bruce (cc: Rob and Lisa),

We or Emory need to buy a remote KVM for GNAX White Street. The decision about whether Emory should pay for that is above my pay grade, but I will point out that Marc Overcash decided that Emory can't meet the on-campus hosting commitments they made to our recruited PIs. As a result our investigators are now going to carry ~$1k/mo off-campus hosting costs, so at minimum there's an argument for Emory absorbing the non-recurring costs including GNAX's install fees and KVM+cabling.

Regardless of who pays, I don't need to be involved in the decision or equipment ordering. If Emory is going to pay for it, Keith can liaise with Dan for selection, ordering, and delivery. If our center/PIs are going to pay for it, Keith can order via Lisa.

Keith/Rob: please track via github issue:

(That github issue also has my original emails about this and a link to example equipment. Purchase will need to include cables for our five current hosts + additional as Keith anticipates growth.)

Thanks, Stephen

stowler commented 10 years ago

BC is going to ask Keith to order through Lisa (per BC verbal today ~4:30p).

stowler commented 10 years ago

Emailed Keith and Lisa: Any updates on the KVM? I think my last information was verbals from Keith and Bruce that Keith is ordering through Lisa.

stowler commented 10 years ago

Yesterday: Keith sent quote for KVM and PS/2 connectors. Today: I approved, but replied that we need the USB version of the connectors 1599hostports

stowler commented 10 years ago

W, 20140702: Keith sent corrected CDW-G equipment quote to Lisa for ordering.

stowler commented 10 years ago

W, 20140716: emailed @rrmm request to configure, test, document KVM before August 4.

rrmm commented 10 years ago


rrmm commented 10 years ago


rrmm commented 10 years ago


rrmm commented 10 years ago


stowler commented 10 years ago

T, 20140805:

Rob updated me yesterday: he's done with the KVM config and is now writing up the documentation (vendor docs were unreliable and it turns out there are poorly documented differences between old and new versions of the same model name)

rrmm commented 10 years ago

First draft of notes will update as more info, and put the finished into a prominent location in vcs

any comments on whether/how to keep track of pw's for stuff? a gpg encrypted file somewhere?


Manual and firmware (at current time):

NB: NOT this one:

Be sure to look at the manaual for the appropriate series: Model: B070-016-19-IP Series: AGCB6533

as recieved: