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Vagrant repo location #33

Open moore3071 opened 7 years ago

moore3071 commented 7 years ago

According to the documentation the repo should be in /home/vagrant/cwdg-website. When booted the vagrant box syncs the repo to /vagrant due to the vagrantfile line 13-16:

  if `uname`.include? "Linux"
    config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', type: 'rsync'
  elsif `uname`.include? "Darwin"
    config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/home/vagrant/cwdg-website"

My guess is that uname is running on the host machine, but I'll analyze both cases.

J3RN commented 7 years ago

I have an assortment of commentary on this. Here goes:

  1. The vagrant box is scarcely useful as this is no longer a Rails app. The only reason I can think of to use it is if Ruby is borked or hard to install on your system. On second thought, Windows. Regardless, Vagrant is notoriously hard to use. I would push for a Docker container over this, though I believe Docker is equally difficult to utilize, simply because of their good PR. I can take a swipe at that.
  2. The Vagantfile, and thus, uname runs on the host machine.
  3. I have no idea why the syncing locations are different, or why Windows is ignored. At some point, someone probably updated one location and forgot the other. type: rsync was important at one point because the default method of syncing didn't work well with Linux. I imagine that has been fixed in the intervening years. TL;DR: We can probably replace this whole thing with a single line.
moore3071 commented 7 years ago

Okay, my PR should fix J3RN's point three. As far as Docker vs Vagrant, I think we need to have further conversation on the two. Neither was difficult to set up on my system, but I'm obviously not running Windows.