CWWhitney / ethnobotanyR

R package for quantitative ethnobotany
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FLs doesn't work with tibbles #24

Open rasmus87 opened 3 years ago

rasmus87 commented 3 years ago

Since the package is marketed as an addition to tidyverse, I think it is important all functions work with tibbles.

The function FLs() doesn't work with tibbles due to the functions use of reshape::melt(...).

The easiest fix (but not the best) is simply to replace reshapewith reshape2.

The function could be rewritten to be based on tidyverse functions, to avoid problems like this.

CWWhitney commented 3 years ago

I switched all the reshape to reshape2 (I only used melt from that package). The package should be rewritten to tidy package standards. That is something I would be grateful for collaboration on.