CWWhitney / ethnobotanyR

R package for quantitative ethnobotany
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@CWWhitney, Thank you for the development of the package! Is it possible to change the colors? which function do you use to change the colors of the CIs-plot? #27

Closed CWWhitney closed 4 months ago

CWWhitney commented 3 years ago

@CWWhitney, Thank you for the development of the package! Is it possible to change the colors? which function do you use to change the colors of the CIs-plot?

Originally posted by @KamilaBio in

CWWhitney commented 3 years ago

We can add more ggplot options. Assuming that by CIs-plot you mean the Radial_plot. i.e.: CIs_plot <- ethnobotanyR::Radial_plot(ethnobotanydata, ethnobotanyR::CIs)

KamilaBio commented 3 years ago

Thank you!

CWWhitney commented 3 years ago

So, I added a 'colors' argument to the radial and alluvial plot options.

Get the latest package version with: devtools::install_github("CWWhitney/ethnobotanyR")

The default is rainbow colors from rainbow().