CWWhitney / hosyana_review

Review of decision supporting holistic modeling methods
MIT License
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Design protocol #6

Open PrajnaKARai opened 1 year ago

PrajnaKARai commented 1 year ago

Design protocol for collecting pdfs and filling Zotero collection – define inclusion and exclusion criteria

CWWhitney commented 1 year ago
  1. Download Zotero connector for your web interface (i.e. chrome connector)
  2. Join the zotero collection 22_Methods-Review-decisions (super secret and only for hortibonn people, ask if you need a link)
  3. Google Scholar search with keywords -> “decision”+(“intervention”OR”policy”)+“uncertainty”+(“expert”OR”stakeholder”)+(“model“OR”monte carlo”OR”simulation”OR”Bayesian”OR”computer assisted”)+(“value of information”OR”information accuracy”)
  4. Upload information for each of the papers, for subsets of years into zotero - using zotero connector
  5. Add notes and tags - using information from the pdf or the link in snapshot (usually the abstract already has enough information)
  6. These notes and tags should outline either the reason for exclusion (a note proceeded by 'Bin:' i.e.
Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 4 27 19 PM

Tags with the relevant information about the paper including, but not limited to, field of application, method applied, and any other information and indication that let's us know why the paper is included

Screenshot 2023-07-05 at 4 26 19 PM

7. Regroup and discuss next steps (here they are preliminarily):

  1. re-organize files and move to new relevant folders, i.e. remove binned items to own folder (bin), remove papers that share application, methods etc. to shared folders for beginning the synthesis
  2. Divide initial stage of synthesis into chapters (according to folders)
  3. Export bib files of each folder and add to Github collection, reference in YAML of the index file
  4. Write synthesis