CYBUTEK / KSPAddonVersionChecker

KSP-AVC in-game plugin.
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Informs about upgrade to module, despite module is not compatible #4

Closed GNious closed 9 years ago

GNious commented 9 years ago

(consider this a feature request) KSP-AVC informs me that there is a newer version of NEAR, but is not able to inform me that this newer NEAR is apparently not compatible with KSP 0.25 and Unity 4.5.3p2 (both are flagged as incompatible by the mod itself).

If KSP-AVC is to be worth using, it needs to be able to say if the upgrade is compatible with the running version of KSP, especially if the mods themselves contain code that disable them simply due to OSX running a slightly different version of Unity.

CYBUTEK commented 9 years ago

This message has nothing to do with KSP-AVC. It is a separate CompatibilityChecker created by Majiir.

CYBUTEK commented 9 years ago

Sorry, miss-read your issue as a bug report. KSP-AVC already takes into account game versions and will only recommend an update if that version also supports your currently installed game version. The compatibility warning you are getting was due to Ferram accidentally uploading the wrong .dll for download.

Details here:

GNious commented 9 years ago

Cybutek - interesting, and good to know it takes versions into consideration. I'm aware of Majir's CompatibilityChecker, as I've had to recompile stuff due to using OSX (where UnityEngine.dll is a different version, and thus is reported as incompatible). As long as KSP-AVC also takes version of UnityEngine.dll into consideration (or, at least does for those mods, that lock themselves to specific versions of this dll), I'm good :)