CYBUTEK / KerbalEngineer

Kerbal Engineer v1.0 (current in-development build).
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Crash when entering VAB immediately after SimManager.StartSimulation() on KSP 1.0.2 #35

Open jicksta opened 9 years ago

jicksta commented 9 years ago

I've been getting this crash very often out of KER. It may have something to do with the interplay between mods but that's only a suspicion. I used to have just MechJeb and KER installed and I don't think I got this crash as frequently as I do now. Here's what's in the log:

[WRN 13:38:59.362] [HighLogic]: =========================== Scene Change : From FLIGHT to EDITOR =====================
[LOG 13:38:59.382] 5/17/2015 1:38:59 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Scene Change from 'FLIGHT' to 'EDITOR'
[LOG 13:39:00.384] KerbalEngineer -> SimManager.StartSimulation() //
[LOG 13:39:00.385] KerbalEngineer ->   at (wrapper managed-to-native) UnityEngine.Component:InternalGetTransform ()
  at UnityEngine.Component.get_transform () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalEngineer.VesselSimulator.PartSim.Initialise (.Part thePart, Int32 id, Double atmosphere, KerbalEngineer.LogMsg log) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalEngineer.VesselSimulator.Simulation.PrepareSimulation (System.Collections.Generic.List`1 parts, Double theGravity, Double theAtmosphere, Double theMach, Boolean dumpTree, Boolean vectoredThrust, Boolean fullThrust) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalEngineer.VesselSimulator.SimManager.StartSimulation () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[LOG 13:39:00.385] KerbalEngineer -> Object reference not set to an instance of an object
[LOG 13:39:00.385] KerbalEngineer ->   at KerbalEngineer.Flight.Readouts.Vessel.SuicideBurnProcessor.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
  at KerbalEngineer.Flight.FlightEngineerCore.UpdateModules () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[LOG 13:39:00.566] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 1
[LOG 13:39:00.566] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 2
[LOG 13:39:00.566] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 1
[LOG 13:39:00.566] [FlightEngineer]: Destroying Floating Window for HUD 2
[LOG 13:39:00.572] 5/17/2015 1:39:00 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,Destroying the KerbalAlarmClock-KACFlight
[LOG 13:39:00.572] 5/17/2015 1:39:00 PM,KerbalAlarmClock,AppLauncher: Destroying Button-BEFORE NULL CHECK

This is with KSP 1.0.2 and KER on Mac OS X 10.10.1.

Gerry1135 commented 9 years ago

When you say "crash" what do you actually mean? Does the game as a whole, or KER itself, stop working or do you just get the message in the log?

It looks like various parts of the code are being run after the scene change but before the new scene is fully set up.

jicksta commented 9 years ago

Looks like a segfault. Hard crash of the process and OS X reports "The program Kerbal Space Program has crashed." (wording may be inexact) in a popup window. Lemme know if there's any other info you'd like me to provide.

Gerry1135 commented 9 years ago

Well, there's no way I know of for KER to cause a hard crash of KSP like that so I suspect this is more likely to be the fairly common problem that lots of Macs running 10.10 appear to have. Are you able to upload a complete player.log file from one of these crashes?

jicksta commented 9 years ago

Perhaps. Where do I find that? I don't see it.

~/Library/Application Support/Steam/SteamApps/common/Kerbal Space Program % find . -name '*.log'
Gerry1135 commented 9 years ago

Errr, I believe it's in ~/.config/unity3d

jicksta commented 9 years ago

Ok, I found it in ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Player.log. Lots of KER errors at the bottom.

arekbulski commented 6 years ago

Is this still open? Its 2 years old and KSP 1.0.2 is ancient by now.